
Why do I listen to


When writing poetry

One of the main reasons

Is that I l know so little about


That I enjoy it

On a purely visceral level

Even though I am a talented poet

There are many things I do not know

Why do some women fuck women

When there are plenty of men

To go around once the perverts

Have been slaughtered

Why do pigs wear uniforms

What is a Marxist Intellectual

Why are feminists so fucking ugly

Who was the author of Deschooling Society

What is the theory of Deschooling Society

Did they all live happily ever after

Why are French women

The most feminine in the world

Why did I kill Joe off a few weeks ago

I know so little that I am surprised

That I write any poetry at all

This is an offensive poem
This is not an offensive poem
I do not really give a fuck
