I Sleep I Speak I Hide

I am naked under the duvet

My sister has entered my room

With her friends

It is my birthday

Happy Birthday Essie May

I am mortified

As Robert is there

I had a thing with Robert

I fell in love with Robert

But he liked men

More than girls

They are singing to me

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday 2U

Or so it goes

Cassie carelessly

Lights the candles

I hope that the duvet

Is fireproof

I lean forward

To extinguish the candles

My boob escapes

There is a silent gasp

I pretend not to notice

But am mortified

A present is left for me

At the end of the bed

I pretend to weep

With a false happiness

And feign embarrassment

I hide under the duvet

My boob is now safe

Breakfast is promised

The room empties

I am again alone

The coast is clear

I make a run for my dressing gown

But God is not finished with me

As I notice a red stain

On my crisp white sheet

What have I done to deserve this

I shower

I dress

I change the sheets

Breakfast is ready Essie May

The present

The fucking present

It is soft and tied

With a lavender ribbon

Wow I am underwhelmed

A designer underwear set


Any colour but fucking white

Why God I did not sell my soul

To the Devil as Faustus did

Clean eyes Tick

Hair Tick

Happy face Tick

I open the door

Lift to the scaffold

Essie May