Le testament de Joe

What is that Joe 

It is a pad and a blue pen 

What are you writing 

I am not writing I am talking to you 

Why are you in the bathroom Joe 

Because you are in the bath 

And I am talking to you 

It is going to be one of those days Joe 

What days 

The Joe being witty days 

But what are you writing 

Le testament de Joe

Why in French 

I speak French 

Read it to me 

Once upon a time 

Seriously Joe 

I am recounting the story of what happened in a county town a decade or so ago 

What happened 

A woman was arrested by the cops 


You are using my flannel Josie 

It is my flannel Joe 

Mine was the red one we agreed 

No yours was the pink one 

No I think you are wrong 

Yours was the pink one 

I am no faggot 

Back to your poem Joe 

Why was the woman arrested 

Because she walked down the high street topless 



Is that all she was arrested for 


Did she give a reason for doing it 

It was a hot day 

She noted that there were a few men without shirts that day and the cops left them alone 

Did they warn her 

No she was arrested 

For what 

If I remember correctly for behaviour liable to cause a breach of the peace 

Was she attractive like me 

I do not have a clue 

She might have been a fat slag or a Josie in a bath 

I just read the report 

There were no photographs 

Was she fined 

No only given a warning 

Did she say why she did it 




Her reasoning was that guys and girls are supposed to be equal 

Men frequently remove their shirts and nothing is said 

But if a woman goes topless then she is committing a crime 

Is that equality 


If the law banned men from removing their shirts then fair enough but it does not 

Is that the subject of your poem 

Yes and no 

My point is what is offensive and what is not 

As I said this happened a considerable time ago 

It never really caught on 

Too fucking cold in this country 

I agree Josie 

But a few weeks ago I was in the same town buying a book when I saw a pervert wearing a dress 

Was it a nice dress Joe 

Do not be trite Josie otherwise I will turn the cold water on 

Did it make you angry Joe 

I felt sick 

Were there others like you 

He was shouted at by a few decent people 

Especially with brats 

But overall he was ignored 

The thing that really fucked me off was that there were some cops nearby 

Why were they there 

It seems that some of the illegals were nicking stuff from the shops 

Or at least that was what I was told 

I am answering my own question but I take it that the cops did fuck all 

Spot on 

There was this pervert who was as tall as me walking down the same high street that the woman used before she was arrested 

The cops did nothing 

That is what sickened me 


This chick with a dick was obviously mentally ill 

Men who do this are obviously misogynists narcissists and fetishists all rolled into one 

In theory they are dangerous people 

But the cops ignored this pervert 

If I had walked down the street wearing a SS uniform then they would have arrested me 

If you had walked down the street without a shirt it is likely you would have been arrested

There is worse to come 

Can it get any worse 

It can 

Did you notice that when I returned 

I did not bring you a gift 

I did Joe and it was not good enough 

You know how quickly my vibrator batteries run out 

Use your fingers Josie it is much cheaper 

I was going to buy you some perfumed soaps

French ones 

No African ones 

I do not like the African ones 

They smell of dead missionaries 

You would have received French ones 







And many other flavours 

You like me smelling sweet

It is better than fish Josie 

You are such a cunt Joe 

I do not want your perfumed soaps 

Fine with me 

Do tell me about the perfumed soaps Joe 

Well I normally get the soaps you like from Superdrug 

That is a bit upmarket for you Joe 

I agree 

But you like their soaps 

Well I had picked up three boxes and was approaching the counter when I saw the chick with a dick serving the customers 

On his name badge it noted his name as Claudia 

I just walked out of the shop

And I did not get any soaps 

Do not be spoilt Josie 

You must realise that there are quotas 

Quotas my arse 

It is diversity and companies need to be seen as inclusive 

That is why you see trains and buses promoting sodomy and other perversions 

Instead of employing decent people they employ perverts  

When I worked in the Civil Service Joe I remember that they once employed a crip with special needs 

A great deal of taxpayers money was spent in adapting his work station

He was from some God forsaken country and had issues probably due to inbreeding I would imagine

You did not tell me this Josie 

I knew it would fuck you off 

Did he like football 


Then he was probably a faggot 

He was 

He was fucking his support worker 


Very much 

The wheelchair probably got in the way 

That is very likely 

The wheelchair that was supplied by the state 

Enough Josie 

Do you know what the punch line is 


The crip quit after a month or so 

He could not deal with the demands of the job 

Mary did tell me that the cost to the office was a fucking fortune 

Just to comply with malignant quotas  

All wasted 

A rather nice girl from Richmond replaced him 

Able bodied 

You would have fucked her Joe 

She had previously applied for the post but was overlooked in favour of the faggot crip 

That just illustrates malignancy of society today 

Did you contact Superdrug 



They replied with the normal shit 

The sad thing is that I am not a violent man 

You tell me you are dangerous 

In another sense 

All decent men are dangerous 

The difference is that they know how to control it 

But if required they can use it for the good 

Some men who are not dangerous are the weak ones 

They are although normally quite nice people just not useful when called upon  

As I was saying if I found out this pervert had been given a good thrashing 

I would not feel sorry for it 

They would have brought it on themselves 

You say the same about faggots 

I do 

These people bring it on themselves 


The water has cooled 

We have been chatting for quite a while 

We have 

Pass me a towel 



What are you doing 

Having a shit 

I am having a bath

I can see that 

You are so gross 

A monster 

A savage 

It is your cooking Josie 

Well cook your own fucking meals 

I cannot cook 

You will not cook 

It is a girlies job 

Well this girlie is going to let you starve 


Where are you going 

Out of this room 

It smells like a sewer 

And open the window 

I will think about it  

Joe & Josie Go Boating