Joe in Hell

I really dislike you Joe

You are no oil painting yourself Maureen

You have ruined Josie’s life

Have I

You are illegal

So are you

Stop bickering you two

I have met people like you before

Fat women who are angry with the world

They have nothing going for them

I have a great degree


Did you threaten to sleep with your tutor

Is that why you scored so high

Josie said that you left school at fifteen

I was expelled

Can you not go for five minutes without arguing

We are supposed to be friends

Is that why you are a dyke Maureen

An empty dyke

No man in his right mind would want to fuck you

I will not tell you again Joe

I feel so sorry for you Josephine

Did you inherit it


Your malignant mouth

I do not know why I invited you two to meet again

It is always World War Three

Why are we here Josie

To discuss his joke which seems to have offended many people

Most of your jokes are tasteless

But are they jokes Maureen

You normally choose a minority

Or other easy targets

And rip them to pieces

I ask my question again

Your joke about war orphans was very sick

Why do you consider it sick

Because as Josie said you attack the weak for cheap laughs

Did you understand the joke Maureen

And did you ask yourself whether it was actually a joke

I am losing your line of thought

Read the joke to me Maureen


Why are you scared

Fuck off Joe

A cowards answer

I will read his wretched joke Mo

Do not encourage him Josie

I was walking down the street
When a comrade came up to me
And asked if I wanted to sponsor a war orphan
I asked would I be able to choose which war
As there were so many to choose from
I did not really get an answer but the idea interested me
And to cut a long story short I sponsored a war orphan
I felt good about being able to make a difference
A few months passed and then I received a letter from the charity
Noting that my sponsorship had been terminated as the said orphan
Had been blown to pieces by an incoming missile

That is horrible Joe

It is so unfeeling and crude

Just stop for a minute and think what I am really saying

Where am I directing my venom

Josie you know how wars distress me

I hate seeing innocents die

If you really think about it

These words are my silent scream

Against wars and those who profit from wars

I knew that this would attract hostility

Even from those who consider themselves well educated

There are some who can see my thoughts

It is like a dog biting your hand

You shout at the dog

But it has your attention

It is only then that you realise that your house is on fire

And that what the miserable dog was telling you

Just open your fucking eyes

All you can accuse me of is the rawness of the content

That is all I am guilty of nothing else

You live in a strange hell Joe

And in certain ways I feel for you

All I ask Maureen is that you waddle away and think about what I said

This discussion is now closed Joe

It has not been a pleasant evening