Loving Strangers

I suppose that I should be called a nerd

As I have a great love of the railways

I especially love the stations

But of late I have begun to get very angry

With those who seek to spoil them

And I am not talking about the vandals

Who should be arrested and castrated on the spot

The people who I dislike are the wheelchair users

As they are beginning to change everything

They whinge about this that and this again and again

My local station used to have a beautiful Victorian footbridge

But slowly the crips spoilt it for the many people

Who loved this lovely bridge and finally

It was replaced with a modern bridge complete with lifts

Sadly many people who use wheelchairs and the like

Seem to take their frustrations and anger out on others

I see it frequently during my travels and this causes prejudice

My mother who spent many years in a wheelchair

Never complained once as it is not a perfect world

It is never going to be a perfect world

She in her youth used to walk a great deal

In the Highlands and in other beautiful areas

I asked her about her thoughts

Her reply was so very simple

You are not owed a thing so why spoil things

For other people by gathering together like plagues of locust

I agreed with her fully a sensible voice in the darkness

Recently a ugly crip wrote to a local paper noting

That the coastal path was not wheelchair friendly

This is because it is a rough coastal path my dear

And as with the Highlands and other places

God did not make them wheelchair friendly

Remember when you go to heaven

You will not be able to take your wheelchair there

I almost wanted to write to this whinging crip

And tell her to get a life and not to spoil

Things for others more able than themselves

But I stopped myself as this would damage me

I no longer use my local railway station

As the vacancy of where my beautiful bridge

Used to be angers me beyond sensible thought
