Joe Rap Sheet



Mummy has given me some of their papers as they were having a clear out before the move

They were mostly things from our childhood and college days

But I think that this was a mistake but there are also some rather disturbing things about you

I think you have been lying to me

In what way

You have been on trouble with the cops

I have never kept that a secret from you

Yes but you said this was at football matches

I chinned a couple of Arsenal cunts after they spat at me

This happened twice

Yes I used to go there with Chelsea frequently

Does it make you wet Josie


Little Josie is getting wet

Fuck off Joe

Why was it not followed up

Daddy spoke to his friends

I was warned and banned from Arsenal for a while which did not bother me as they are all nonces

That is not all Joe as you were in trouble with the cops for attacking homosexuals

I know you cannot stand them but I did not know that you were violent against them

Stop there Josie

I agree that I cannot stand faggots they just disgust me

How can a decent society tolerate men who indulge in anal intercourse

Or walk around wearing women’s clothes

We are on a slippery road to nowhere

Some people might think what we do is disgusting


Would you attack a couple like us

I will leave now Josie you are dragging us through the mud

We are different that is all

We have had other relationships

Normal relationships

But have always drifted towards each other

Our relationship is pure

I am so sorry Joe as sometimes I am just a stupid bitch

Do you know what I would like to do now

I would like to go out on the street and beat the shit out of a few of these perverts

You are out of control Joe

If I was out of control I would not be standing here

I am a calm person unless I am provoked

It says here that you broke the jaw of a middle aged man

Did you

Not directly

It happened after a football match when I was seventeen

I was in the supporters club shop when I felt someone rubbing their erect dick against my butt cheeks

How horrible

I just turned around at gave him a right hook

He slammed against the door that is how he broke his jaw

Were you arrested

Sort of

The cops initially thought that it was just another football related fight kicking off and dragged me out

It was then that the manager of the shop spoke to the cops as he had seen what had happened

I think that this pervert had done it before

What was the outcome

The guy was carted off to the local hospital

The cops took all my details and Dad was contacted

Was he angry

Not really

I was grounded

I thought that strange at the time but I thought you had got into a fight at Chelsea

Far from it

When the dust settled it turned out that the pervert I hit was a serial paedophile who they had been after for a while

They found all kinds of shit in his flat

Like many faggots he liked underage boys

Is that when we were sent to France

It was

Daddy just wanted to protect us both and wanted me to calm down

I was told later that the nonce was sent down for his crimes

What did Daddy say to you

Not much

But I asked him a question

What was that

I asked him what he would have done

He said that he would have done exactly the same as me

That and not being so quick with my fists

Did it ever happen again

Not really but I often was approached by faggots

I just told them to fuck off if they knew what was good for them

Does it happen now

On occasions I recognise the body language

All the major religions of the world condemn male homosexuality

But what do we do here

We paint our trains in rainbow colours and hold parades

Our young children are brainwashed in schools about this filth

It makes me so cross as I see it along with mass immigration as a decay

I think that we should stop here Joe as I do not like to see you like this

I am sorry that I criticised us

Do you want me to destroy the paperwork


Are you sure

Yes as it is part of me

Not really nice but deep down I have never been sorry for anything I have done

If a faggot did the self same thing today I would break more than his jaw

There are many people like me who are totally disgusted with the decay that exists

The papers

Just file them with my poems in my chest

You are not angry with me

No far from it

Sometimes Joe I think I know everything about you

But I am aware that I have not even scraped the surface