Pointless Jokes


I have a friend named Kitty

She is very attractive

I have always been in awe

Of her considerable beauty

Yesterday I met Kitty in the park

And she asked me if I would like

To see her kitty

I could not believe my luck

Kitty’s Kitty

I was told to turn around

And close my hungry eyes

This I did without argument

Kitty then asked me to face her

And open my eyes

She handed me a mirror

Marxist Intellectual

I was invited to the local university

To give a poetry reading

Rimbaud and Lautréamont

The poor students

Looked at me with blank eyes

As did most of the academics

After the reading Jackie

Introduced me to her professor

Who she said was a Marxist Intellectual

What is a Marxist Intellectual I asked

As I stared into the void

Under the Skin

I met Kitty’s friend Sandra

At a Christmas Party

She was the ugliest woman

I had ever seen

At a guess she was size twenty

With fat on her fat in her fat

I lost count of her chins

She had the dress sense

Of a sloth on heat

But I was nice to her

Yet wished I was blind

After the party ended

Kitty walked me home

Through the park

As I was afraid of getting raped

We discussed Sandra

As we watched a trans bashing

Near the ornamental pond

She asked me why I found Sandra gross

As we are all beautiful under the skin

I disagreed and said that without her skin

Sandra would be a mound of rotting viscera

Covered in a mass of fat fat fat

And although Sandra was pretty gross

I felt that we were getting the best deal

Not My Joke

Every Tuesday after Mass

Kitty and I would lie on our beds

And masturbate together

We often chatted and put the world in order

Yesterday we discussed our favourite jokes

Kitty’s favourite was

Do you realise that Princess Diana was on the radio when she died

(I have still to work that one out)

A Jimmy Carr joke was my choice

How do you get a faggot to fuck a woman

Shit up her cunt

I am so glad that Kitty is my friend

And that she is going to Lourdes with me

After her gender reassignment is complete

Sick Boy