Joe & Pete in Heaven

Why are you laughing Joe

It is something that Jordan Peterson said

It has amused me

Because it is so accurate

Can I have a copy of it

Be my guest Pete

Woke: A pseudo-intellectual pastiche of postmodern and Neo-Marxist tropes, dedicated to the idea that categories themselves do nothing but privilege and oppress.

Critical Race Theory: The proposition that all differences in outcome by race, ethnicity or virtually any other identifiable group difference are a consequence of systemic, conscious and unconscious prejudice on the part of the privileged.

Cancel culture: The widespread utilisation, primarily on the left, of female-typical patterns of antisocial behaviour such as reputation savaging, gossip, innuendo, mobbing and exclusion to isolate, demoralise and destroy political or personal enemies

Socialism: a political/economic system which when applied anywhere, ideally or badly, immediately destroys wealth, while failing utterly to remediate inequality; alternatively, the political expression of envy disguised as compassion.

Where did you find it

On Shitter



It is called X now


I do not really care if it was called Mary Lou of 62

You will probably be cancelled one day Joe

Nobody will read your poetry or your thoughts

No fucker does

So how can you cancel what is not there in the first place

I do not exist

Joe is not my real name

I am not fucking my identical twin sister

Josie does not exist

Do I exist Joe


You are just one of my characters

So I can say what I like without being cancelled




Can I say something about the King

Go ahead

Although I am not a great fan of the Royal Family

I do see the need for it

It serves a purpose

So naturally I was upset to hear the King is unwell

And I wish him the nest

Best Pete

Sorry Joe a typo

I wish him the best

But I need to chat to Sky Daddy

As when I said my prayers

I asked that ****** be struck down with a deadly disease

I distinctly remember saying ****** and not Charles

It was probably an admin error up there

Heaven has not been the same since they introduced quotas diversity and all that shit

I read the other day that they employed a black crip because of this and its motorised wheelchair became jammed in the pearly gates

It cost a fucking fortune to repair them

No more free Bibles for a while then

Hotel rooms will never be the same

The queues were horrific with all the earthquakes and wars

But that said it was nothing compared with Hell

All the cunts end up there

They that is where we will end up

Who knows you might spend eternity with ****** or the the fat one with that awful wig

That will not happen Pete


Because we are fictional characters

How can a fictional character go to Heaven or Hell

It is not possible

Are you saying that all the beautiful women in your poems are not real

They are just Wet Joe Dreams



I am a sad cunt

That is why I write about dykes so much

As like most men the idea of beautiful women fucking turns me on

You are a sad cunt Joe

So are you Pete



Is Josie shaven

She is a fictional character

But is she shaven as I hate travelling into those huge bushes

So smelly they reek of piss shit and Liverpool home games

I once found an illegal in Mary’s pubes

Fuck knows how it got there

If it is the Mary I know she fucks anything

She is a multi coloured fuck shop slag

That is why I like shaven it is so much cleaner

Then Josie is shaven Pete

Thanks mate

I think it is time to end our conversation

The train arrives in ten


Not in the mood

Bubble Tea

Fuck off only faggots drink that shit

Joe & Pete