York Railway Station (J’Accuse)

Lovers must be honest with each other

Otherwise doubts might creep in

That have the potential to fracture

You are the most beautiful station

But I accuse you of the following

I sat on a metal bench on the KX platform

And the zip of my winters coat

Became trapped in its design

Which frustrated me

As my coat was rather expensive

I finally managed to release the zip

But this would not have happened

If you had retained your wooden benches

Another irritation which was not entirely yours

Occurred in the best Costa Coffee

In the whole wide world

Halfway up an ornate footbridge

With views to the passing trains

I was enjoying a flat white there

Just people watching trains

When a large girl eighteen plus

Wearing tight blue jeans

And a short white top

Broke my eye violently

As she was revealing

Her pale butt crack generously

Along with the associated stretch marks

It was far from beautiful

And anti-erotic

I did not even finish my coffee

And only vaguely attacked

My chocolate bar

Before I left this cabin

The cabin of my dreams

My final advice my love

Is that you consider

Your wider parameters

As they fade into a chaos

Not totally of your making

As one cannot choose neighbours

But please do not accept this

As normal as it offends

The sensibility of gentle eyes

I do hope that I have not offended you

By being so honest about edges rough

But love must be totally transparent

If it is to succeed without sharp edges