Death Threats from Mummy

Hi Joe

Many people think that your views are sometimes extreme

I am a middle of the road liberal Mark

People just do not like their reflections

Do you ever get unpleasant comments

Apart from the odd death threat from Mummy and Auntie Maude


When people really sit back and think about it

What I am writing about is pure common sense

If anybody threatened me I would challenge them to a duel


I know

I was once threatened with a pornographic photo of **&$88877432*** which was quite horrible but that is as bad as it got

But Josie said sorry and after spanking her hard we were friends again

I read that a number of MPs have minders these days

Labour ones

Not exclusively

Tory ones too

Lib Dems

That goes without saying

They are a waste of space

Reform UK

No they are the honest ones

They even send death threats to themselves

As they are much loved

The Honest Men

People applaud them in the streets

Would you vote for them


As long as they remain the Common Sense Party

We stray as it is not just MPs who are threatened

As local councillors are often abused

I was once asked to stand as a councillor

But I turned them down


Because I told them that I was too honest

That figures

I sometimes think that local councils are worse than having an MP who is a cunt

They are often drunk on power

Little people drunk on power

Not so many years ago in a universe far far away I found out that the planning committee in Any Town were taking backhanders from a certain developer

But I could not prove it

Why not

It came from a good source

My source was very good as it came from the eldest daughter of of the developer

Was she your girlfriend

Were you fucking her

No Josie was

She was deeply ashamed of her father

It seems that this had been going on for years

And whilst Nikki enjoyed the lifestyle

She found it hard to live with herself

For a number of years properties

With views of the valley

Were purchased and demolished soon after

They were replaced with expensive apartments

 Many people smelt rats but there was no hard proof  

I had a mate who worked on the local rag and I gave him the details

The developer suddenly got wind of things and short things short he threatened the paper with legal action

This obviously blew us out of the water and although I was fuming I did not reveal my source

But there is a God as the greedy cunt died a couple of years later in a boating accident

Food for the Fishes 

As normal the people who had their palms greased went unpunished

I know who they are and this eats away at me

But only God forgives

And I am not God

Mark & Joe