Sick Boy Joe

Hi Joe 

Where have you been 

We thought you were dead 

Maxkers thought you had died of exhaustion shagging your sister 

No such luck 

She has been my nurse for the past couple of weeks 

Was she commando under her uniform like the slag in Burger King 

What that fat Turkish one 

The same as 

They call her Turkish Delight in the kitchen 

It is the only place that serves hairy fishburgers 

Enough I am still fragile 

What was wrong with you 

The Flu 

There is a lot of it around 

And therein lies a disturbing story 

As you know I am friends with Richard Hill the Daily Mail journalist 

He likes my poetry 

Really someone has to like your rhymes 

Fuck off mate he is a decent chap 

He has the hots for Josie 

We all have 

However I had a chat with him in The Black Boy Abandoned recently 

And he told me about a story he was covering which at present is not being run due to governmental pressure 

What the one about somebody caring about the Royal Family 


He had a bout of flu and was told that this year it has reached epidemic levels 

Even with all the jabs 

So he dug further and chatted to his contacts in the government 

It seems that there has been a subtle cover up as the increase has been caused by the crazy levels of immigration that we are experiencing at present and obviously the filth that crosses the Channel

Are they not checked when they arrive 

Like fuck they are 

Richard also noted that in any year health forecasts are made that is how the flu jab is worked out 

But it has to have a source point 

So you are saying it is all the niggers and wogs that are bringing it in 

That and many other races 

What about the people from Luxembourg 

I think that we can discount our friends out there 

What is however more worrying is that serious diseases such as TB Diphtheria and many others which are very treatable are making a comeback  

Joe is right as looking at the stats I believe that TB was almost eradicated in the UK and others were very near that mark –

Smallpox was a deadly disease but look at it now.

There has been a gradual increase as the incoming population has grown 

So you are saying if this was a mainly white country with little or no immigration then these diseases would not take hold 

Yes there is direct connection between these lines 

It is so fucking obvious 

And what is even more scary is that when tested a very high percentage of the filthy illegals were infected 

The Kent Variant

Need I say more

That was covered up

I would let them drown 

They would pollute the sea 

And the sewerage problems would be small fry in comparison  

But as normal the government is being cowardly like they were during Covid 

They do not want the truth revealed although the stats are freely available 

What would you do 

I would be in favour of mandatory testing 

If you are from certain ethnic groups or countries and want to visit the UK then you will need to undergo a simple medical 

That would be difficult Joe 

But not impossible 

People would think it racist 

Tough it is pure common sense guys 

Would these countries not want you do the same 


But think about it if I was visiting Bobo Land then fuck it I would have all the jabs 

I had thousands when I visited India 

Thompson or Smith


It was India Blue 

God she was crawling 

I caught some of my favourite STDs from her 

We digress girls 

Are you worried Joe 

I hate being lied to and cannot imagine picking this boring flu up in Iceland if you see my point 

The trouble is that there are those on the Left who would see this as racist and even if their mums were dying of a disease would deny the reason why 

What does racist mean Joe

That you are a clear thinker Mike

Is that why they are called the malignant left 


But if they are malignant they will surely die 

I am waiting for that day 

My sister says that we all have fascist views 

Barbie Dolls are not real Fred

Really she lets me look at her in the bath

The city or the wet room

Not sure Kevin but I can smell smell fucking lavender

Far from it 

What does Josie think 

She totally agrees with me add the gulags and other fun things 

Lovely girl 

She often wishes I was called Leonard instead of Joe 


So that she could pop around here and ask if Len is in 

I do not get it Joe 

Go back to sleep Jeremy and enjoy your M&Ms 

Joe and his Friends