
Hi Guys

I received some sad news today

Maureen Green is dead

Who the fuck is Maureen you might ask

Maureen Green was a car crash

For all of her forty-seven years

I first met her at a party in the late nineties

It was early in the evening

And she was already drunk

Which was sad as she was an attractive girl

People called her Hole or the Blackwall Tunnel

Such was the traffic between her legs

I immediately thought I could make a difference

But I was a man against thousands

I was able to secure a council flat for her

But it was turned into a knocking shop

By the men she met on the streets

And that is what killed Maureen

She was killed by men

Bit by bit cell by cell fuck by fuck

She attracted the monsters who beat her

I have lost count of my hospital visits

But as normal the cops did fuck all

The was a tom on the game

In the year before her suicide

She became involved in a very toxic relationship

With a chap named Errol B who was an addict

He drained her he beat her he abused her

She became paranoid of other people

Even sweet Josie was not welcomed into her world

I arranged for her to be cared for in a refuge

But unknown to me it was infested by men

Who identified as women and this made things far worse

This malignancy added to her growing malignancy

She was now drowning very fast in a dark sewer

And then she disappeared without trace

I contacted the cops but she was just another junkie

They found her in a a dry bath

She had cut her wrists

Using a stolen knife

I was shocked but not surprised

We all consider ourselves to be caring

Far from it as we are a decaying country

Mixed without thought or shape

There are still many Maureen’s out there

Unloved abused ignored

They will be destroyed by men

I sometimes question God

But have not received an answer

Or have been too stupid

To understand what is being said to me

Whether this is a just

A poorly written fiction

That is for you to decide

But in any city in any town

Maureen’s drift past you in the street

They are invisible but so easily seen
