Letter to my Mother


I do hope you are well and that your dreadful cold has gone away

I am not speaking to Joe again

We are sleeping in separate rooms

He is being insufferable and just plain rude to everyone

Nobody else has an opinion or if they do it is wrong

But he does make me laugh as he gets so cross with things

As you know we are both students of the Bronte sisters and trek up north at least once a year

Joe finds Yorkshire the most English of counties

He likes its masculinity and the directness of its people

It is the one place that I think he fits in well as you know he has no filter

He says what he thinks and as you know shoots from the hip

He does not care if he offends people including me as he thinks that I need to be educated about certain things


That said he is a very gentle man and a caring lover

I have learnt so much from him

But he knows how clever he is and expects all around him to be the same and lacks good humour if that is not the case

His poetry attracts a number of followers and they worship every word

He pretends not to care but it means a lot to him

Quite often his work leaves me confused but I know that I am missing something and it is up to me to find the right path

If there is one at all

I digress

Do not worry as Joe and I have these squabbles from time to time

After all we are twins

Identical and incestuous

We fly under each others radar

Our latest fight was when he was rude about Princess Diana who I still miss greatly

He made me cry and then mocked me

I stood my ground and we argued

He caused me to start stuttering again and I hated him for that

This said whilst looking at his phone yesterday he let out a profanity in the middle of street

Everyone was looking at him

The cause

It appears that the Bronte Society had become WOKE which he could not stand

It is obvious to me that it and many other organisations have been infiltrated by the loons on the left

But he was having none of it

And then he stopped and became very thoughtful

We shared a drink in The Sinking Slave Ship and he started discussing the Dignitas Infinita again

He said that God must have a sense of humour as within a couple of days the Catholic Church had released the Dignitas Infinita and that he had since been massively irritated by a silly post online

Sometimes he just vanishes into Joe Land and comes out when he is ready

I have already forgiven him but am not letting on

He knows that he can be a bunt

I will just let him simmer

By the way I have taken your advice on board and am growing my bush again

Secretly I hate my tattoo as it makes me look a flake

Joe will go off on one of his Dark Lady of the Sonnets periods again

I am sure that he thinks that I am the Dark Lady

But it is all rather jolly

Do you realise that it is the anniversary next month will you be okay I can pop down (with Joe this time) and we can walk in the woods or watch trains as we used to do

Bishop Graham is coming to see me in a week as he wants me to edit yet another guide to St Jude’s

That seems to be his greatest passion but I feel honoured that he asks me

He still treats me as if I am at Roedean and brings me chocolates and a church pen

What a lovely man he is and even Joe behaves around him

I will close now as I can hear Joe moving around and then he will go quiet as he always writes in the morning whereas I am a total zombie

Send my kisses to Audrey and Amanda

Another letter in a day

Lots of Love

Josephine xxx