Shit Jokes Stolen

Where do you find a dog with no legs

Right where you left it

I went to a small zoo

I only saw one dog

It was a Shitzu

Do not try to get around me Joe

You have plucked me off

Once too often

These are not even your jokes

You have stolen them

That is typical of you

You are a fraud

Fred this and Fred that

Freud Josie

His name was Freud

Not Fred

I hate you

You do not hate me

I am irritating you that is all

What you are upset about is your own reflection

Tiny Tears


Ann Jen nue

Ann and Jen naked


Are you on something

You are a classic Ingénue Josie

Very feminine

Very beautiful

You would look good in a sack

Really you should know


Joe you are making me very wet

I should hate you

But I do not hate you



Have you thought that Liverpool might be at home

Pluck U JOE

I can see what Will Shakespeare saw in you

Am I your Dark Lady of the Sonnets


Then who Miranda


Then who


Fuck off Joe

You see your stammer has vanished

It is not a stammer you idiot

Would you like to hear another joke and I admit it is stolen


A woman fell on the luggage carousel

At London Airport

How dreadful

It all ended happily though

As she came around

That is you all over

Everything is a joke

People are dying all over the world

But you joke about it

Earthquakes War Fossil Collecting

It is all a joke to you



Stop putting words in my mouth



What do you call a camel with three humps

Last joke Joe

Last joke


No think about it



Then what do you call a camel with three humps
