I Would Have Liked To Have Been An Artist (Session Two)



I am recording session two


Did you enjoy the refreshments


The tea

I like perfumed tea


Miss Robinson

Do you like women

Yes very much

But you have been rude about my appearance

I was only telling you the truth

That has hurt me do you not feel ashamed


You may not find me attractive but have you any other thoughts

You are obviously a very clever woman

What makes you say that

My larynx

You are avoiding the question


Do you admire women


What are your thoughts on gay women

I do not have a problem with gay women

But you have a problem with gay men

Why is that

Because they are not real men

What is a real man

The men that you masturbate over when you are bathing

That is an aggressive answer Jude

Why do you exhibit aggression when a question irritates you

It is not aggression Miss Robinson

If I had been size twelve and beautiful would I have received the same answer

That is an abstract question

Do you think women are different from men

Yes in many ways

Are they superior to men

In many ways

Physically no

That is why men are dominant

Women do not start wars

Going back I read that you have said that you consider than most women are bisexual

That is true


Men and women are very different



I would like short answers to these questions

Go ahead

Favourite colour


Are you racist

Racist is just a tag

Do you think that some races are superior to others


Do you think that dark skinned races are inferior to the pale skinned races



That is quite obvious

Do you find negroid women beautiful

On the whole no

Do you find negroid men handsome

In some cases yes

Noble Savages

Are you transphobic

If you mean do I find men who identify as women offensive then yes I do

They are obviously mentally ill

Do you consider homosexual men suffer from mental illness

In certain ways yes

Do you consider homosexuality in men a sin

Yes but ask Sky Daddy

Sky Daddy

Work it out

Do you consider homosexuality in women a sin

No because women are basically bisexual

Sky Daddy

I do not think he cares

Are you a virgin


What about you Miss Robinson

Yes I am a virgin

Are you gay


Would you like to lose your status as a virgin

Yes if the right man comes along

How old are you Miss Robinson


The clock is ticking

When you meet Sky Daddy in person

You will be placed on the returned unopened shelf

You are being very cruel Cyril

I am near to tears

Then I apologise as this was not my intention

I accept your apology

Let us resume this interview


Do you believe in God



I just feel his presence

Why he

The eternal question

What do you think God thinks of your views which might be seen as unpleasant

I would like to think that she understands me

I am going to conclude this interview Joe


I am travelling in circles

You have locked all your doors

Thank you for your time

Thank You Miss Robinson

Muriel please call me Muriel

Pause and Close