The Delivery of Groceries

Joe the funniest thing just happened to me

Was ****** ****** hit by a train

No much more rewarding than that

I am all ears

Well you know that you order a weekly shop


Well it was delivered about half an hour ago

It was on time for once

Very much

It was as the chap was giving me the cheap plastic bags

That we noticed one of the senile old gits from Nelson Mandela Avenue walking towards the Plum Van

What happened

He appeared to be carrying a bag full of decaying food waste

It might have been a kebab delivery

No it was worse than that

He said something to the driver which he could not understand

Was it Peter Paul


But his English is good

It was nothing to do with that Joe

Then why

The old git was using semaphore

He might have been the navy

Do they use semaphore in the navy

No they shout at each other

The old fool then threw his bag into the van and broke a bottle of tomato sauce

It went everywhere

What happened next

The driver left it in the gutter for the poor people

I wish I was there Josie

Where are you Joe

In the Middle East


Why the fuck are you there

It is so dangerous with all the missiles and sloanes in the sky

Josie are you on something



The bog as I am having a shit

Why are you in the Middle East

I am doing a poetry reading

You might get taken hostage

What in Beccles

You did not say that to me

I described the location Josie

Joe will you answer a question for me

Fire away

Why do you order so many bags of cheap groceries

I am giving something back to the community

That is so sweet of you

I am proud to be your twin sister

Is that where you disappear

Yes I give the groceries to the local food banks


You are a true Christian Joe

Far from it Josie as there is a method in my madness

As you might notice I always buy the shit and out of date offers


It is beautifully logical

In what way

As you know I do not really approve of the people who use food banks

They are so common have no fashion sense and often smell

I do not like the way this is going Joe

Logically if they eat all this shit for long enough then they will face mortality at a younger age and this lovely town of ours will be fit for humans once again

Joe you are no longer my brother

Josie I will be back at about eight and will be tired Sis

Would you be an angel and have some dinner ready for me so I can watch the match

!!!! !!! Joe