Life is but a shadow

What does that mean Joe

What it says on the box

Imagine you are a musician

You are talented

You dream of fame and fortune

But it does not arrive

It was never there in the first place

In time you begin to realise this

You either fade

As most do

Or you end up playing minor gigs

Knowing that you will not go no further

You lie to yourself

As we all lie to ourselves

That is a rather depressing way of looking at things

More realistic than depressing

Who said life is but a shadow

Indirectly Shakespeare

You will find it in Macbeth

He actually describes life as a walking shadow as it has become meaningless to him

You mean life is a shit and then you die

Simply put but yes Josephine

Why did you call me Josephine

Are you angry with me


Mummy and Daddy would call me Josephine when they were cross with me

I am not angry with you

I like Shakespeare but do not always understand him

Just listen to the music of his words

The rest if you do not construct barriers will come naturally

I was reading recently that he might of not written all he is thought to have written

I do not believe that for a moment Josie

Rather like great artists he may have had assistants

That is all

But some of the people who challenge his work are respected academics

Most of their theories are wafer thin and are based on conjecture

They are just trying to find their niche

Which does not exist

I often read these people before I wipe my arse

They are just cunts and not worthy of my shit

They just want their fifteen minutes

Masturbation is not enough

Their life has become meaningless to them

They really fuck you off Joe

I dislike frauds

You are very black and white in many ways

More white Josie as I see the light

I dislike black

You need to see things clearly

Otherwise you will not write poetry

It is so vital that you appreciate the circle

If you do not appreciate the circle

Then you are blind

That is quite simple

Are you travelling forward with your poetry

Not really


If I am lucky I am on a parallel branch line

Do you not like your poetry

It is not that I dislike my poetry

But sometimes I am at a red signal

Do you ever dislike your poems

I would not write poor poetry

I have abandoned more poems than I have published

Where do you keep them

Here and there as sometimes I cannibalise them

As they might have lines or words of merit