Gulags R Us


Many people say that you are a cruel person

Do you think you are a cruel person



I am a kind person

Who told you that

The chap in the mirror

I have read many of your Joe and Josie posts

You do not take prisoners

I am a compassionate person

That is why I write as I do

The trouble is that people cannot separate Joe from Joe

I am called various names

But that is like calling Agatha Christie a murderer

Because she wrote about murder

Most of my Joe’s are written to illustrate decay

At this present point in history society is decaying

There are many reasons for this

But it is not irreversible

Far from it

It is the job of my pen to illustrate this

My first love is poetry

It is a gift directly from God

I am so privileged to be in this position

But there are caveats as I also have the ability to write

Then why do you not write a novel

Because I am a poet

My brain is wired to be a poet

There is a subtle difference

Sadly I find most of what is written today pretty tedious

If I wrote a novel it would not be published


Because publishers on the whole are cowards

Do you have a favourite author

I do not like the word favourite

But I do read Michel Houellebecq

Who I admire

Will you ever conclude your Joe & Josie series



Because I will have exhausted the subject

I have been near it already

Your poetry

No that will continue unless I feel the silence

In a recent interview you said that if you were granted a wish to live anywhere in the world it would be a gulag

Why did you say that

Because I have always been interested in the abyss