Shell Dove

It was one of those house parties

That only the English might hold

On the lawns of an ancient manor house 

Our hostess was a woman named Shell Dove 

Nobody knew her real name 

Although she was rumoured to be Jewish 

Her features were those 

Of a woman of the Mediterranean

Perhaps French Spanish or Italian

Yet her accent was cut glass 

A favorite story of hers

Was rather gruesome 

That of a car accident 

That occurred near the lodge 

Nothing ever happens

On the Lansdowne Road 

It is such a quiet place 

But just over ten years ago 

There was the most terrible accident 

Two cars collided and one burst into flames 

Three people in one of the cars

 Were horribly injured 

The strange thing was that they were all queers 

Not known in the district

They had no reason to be passing our gates 

When the mess was sorted out 

It was found that one of the queers 

Was wearing a splendid ball gown 

Or the remains of a splendid ball gown 

I was in Persia at the time 

So I missed all the fun and games  

The occupants of the other car 

Were uninjured apart from cuts and bruises 



The Vicar of St Marks

Wickedly said to me 

That this was the Will of God 

Some people disliked Shell Dove 

But were discreet about their feelings 

I actually liked her without thought

As she was fun to be with 

There was never a dull moment 

She was an exotic creature 

Whose mystery intrigued

All those who came

Within her bright circle
