Confessional Poem Over

Dearest Josie 

I have just finished the biography of Siegfried Sassoon 

Which you kindly gave to me during your last visit.

It was a fine book which I have left for Mummy to read 

For the last couple of hours I have been in my beloved Canterbury 

The weather is sunny and the cathedral towers are almost gleaming 

I have been chatting to some students in a pub 

And am shocked at how young and naive they are 

It seems that they are following the party line 

That is how much they have been brainwashed

By the malignant academics and other

It was not like this when we were both at Cambridge 

Things have changed so very much in just a few years 

A decay has set in and not just in the UK 

Yes there were protests about this and that when we were at college

But most people just went along for ride 

These were liberal mostly home based causes as you recall 

And not about wars being fought overseas which had little to with us 

The current protests are in my view incredibly racist and obscene 

And many many stupid people have been whipped up into a frenzy 

As normal you see actors and other celebrities virtue signalling 

Just because it is the chic thing to do 

It is not just actors or others in the spotlight who are guilty of this 

The press and the mainstream news channels are feeding us all false news 

It is so fucking obvious that it screams at you 

But the government and the opposition are just so fucking weak 

That they just bend over and take it up the arse from the faggots on the left and other pieces of shit 

I will not go on as my thoughts are jumbled such is my anger 

These are piecemeal comments written out of my frustration 

Enough said 

Happy thoughts for Joe and Josie 

Do you remember Clare College Cambridge 

We met some good friends there 

I have lost count of the days we spent with them by the Cam 

Blue Remembered Hills 

Sassoon was a Clare Man 

Reading Law 

He left Cambridge without taking a degree 

Rambling Joe again 

Not totally clear of the lurg 

But hungry oh so hungry 

For things to change 

I do not have your patience sis 

If I had my way I would lock them all up 

And throw away the key 

So that they might rot slowly as they slide into their feral madness 

As you are aware I have lost some friends and acquaintances

Because of my views which they cannot or choose not to understand

Were they friends I ask 

Friends even if they disagree should remain friends 

It distresses me as I believe that friends should be loyal  

Not far from Charing X and therefore not far from you 

If it is fine shall we dine by the river tonight 

That would be great fun and it will help me to distance myself 

From all the malignant people who so upset me 

Confessional Poem Over 

If this was ever a confessional poem at all 

Just needed to chat Josie as I recharge my batteries 
