No Subject


Thank you for your kind email and yes I am recovering from the virus that I caught in Dover 

Like all men it was more than it actually was and this was made worse by my mother and later Josie fussing around me 

Josie as she knew I might get bored popped into the local bookshop and purchased two books 

A biography of Sassoon and an account of the Soldier Poets 

During the hot spell and being an idiot Josie and I walked across the fields of our childhood 

I love this time of year May into June as everything is so new and the colours are so intense

The perfumes of the day were just a joy and I felt my imported illness fading 

I was listening to the wireless in the evening whist Josie and Mummy played Scrabble 

Along came the BBC News which although very biased at times noted that the Israeli Prime Minister had praised the songbird Eden Golan for her performance at the Eurovision Song Contest noting that she had brought honour and strength to Israel  

High praise indeed and I totally agreed with him 

This set me thinking and I wondered if the UK has progressed from the normal zero points and had won the fucking thing would the PM have shared the same sentiments with the foul creature who represented the UK – knowing him he might have done so as well as Kiera Starbucks just so they look in touch 

I then thought about the soldier poets of both wars – being a poet myself it is a subject that interests me greatly as broadly it illustrates how we as a country have decayed over the years 

If there was a war tomorrow how would we react 

Would the brave young men of the shires enlist in their droves 

This said I cannot see any serious wars ahead as we whether we like it or not are in a Pax Britannica position with global policeman in place 

Long may it last 

There have always been global squabbles between the natives but nothing like the two world wars 

There are too many good men in place 

Maybe naive but just think about it as it has mileage 

Going back any war would not be in the trenches rather like the charges on horseback were outdated by 1914 

It would be a totally different scenario 

Yet I wonder how many would actually volunteer as the young people have done in Israel (conscription noted) – are we as patriotic as we once were 

Some might say yes but I would disagree as this country has been infected because of immigration (that is quite obvious) and we have let our morals slip violently which has had a drastic effect on the country 

The extreme seems the norm now 

Perverts in dresses and the like 

Children are taught about corrupt practices in schools ( no wonder that they self mutilate or are poisoned by cranks) 

Mummy has a couple of gay guys living near her who are married which I consider wrong even though they are perfectly decent chaps

They have also adopted which makes (although I hid it for Mummy’s sake) me very cross – there is just something wrong with the whole idea and it does not appear in the Bible or anywhere else

My father who was a High Church Christian would have hated the idea

Many and I have had many discussions about this have called me a hypocrite as I have been in a sexual relationship with Josie for many years which we do not hide 

Josie also has relationships with other women (her passions) which I find quite normal but she does not fuck other men 

This is something that she has decided and under no stress from me 

Josie is enough for me as I feel incredibly comfortable around her 

I am very attracted to other women but that is a far as it goes as anything else I feel would be a betrayal 

The thing that amuses me is that technically Josie and I are breaking the law and we could be imprisoned although it does not mention identical twins 

Josie and I were invited to a girl girl wedding last year an invitation which we happily accepted as I have no problem with this 

They were Josie’s friends and she was very happy with their union 

Go back a couple of years when we both stayed in a hotel in Manchester

A wedding was taking place 

The difference was that it was between two men which I found disgusting as it made me feel nauseous

Josie dragged me off to the cinema and I saw my first and last Harry Potter movie 

I have said this many times but men and women are different very different and therefore different rules apply (and do not get me started on the gender stuff) 

There are only two genders fact 

The rest is a madness 

The joke is that if you were inclined you might care to report Joe and Josie to the cops as we are active sexually

Then we would then be in shit street up to our necks 

We would be separated and this would cause stress and suffering to both parties and obviously to my dear mother who is only now coming to terms with the loss of my father

Absolutely nothing would be gained 

Because of the idiocy of the law we would be prosecuted

I doubt that we would be imprisoned unless I shared my opinions  

Also Josie although she lives with me is an active bi-girl which would complicate things 

But why am I having this conversation 

It will not happen

I will not let it happen 

But in theory we are breaking the law 

I can see why there are incest laws most of which I agree with but between two consenting sibling adults think about it 

A chap can go around fucking any anus he finds and even though it is obviously bestial and spreads disease it is also quite legal 

Indeed it is celebrated in many towns and cities 

It is considered normal when it is far from normal 

One can marry their male partner and even adopt some poor brat 

There is a massive absurdity to the whole thing 

This is the decay I often chat about in my writings 

That and other subjects which I will not mention 

I am thinking that Josie and I might get married in a church (after all our father was a vicar) and maybe adopt as we cannot have children together for obvious reasons 

Like fuck we will 

Joe has already been locked up once and does not fancy another visit 

Enough on this subject as it irritates me greatly ….

I end by mentioning my soldier book as it illustrates one thing clearly as most of these soldiers (not all) died at a very young age 

As did millions of others on all sides 

We remember these brave men as they were poets

 But there were so many that died with little or no memory

 Apart from their names fading on a war memorial somewhere 

It makes me very sad to see the white gravestones in many churchyards  

Our history is often questioned by traitors which is incredibly sad 

One has only to look back a few generations to see how it used to be 

The order of things

History does go in circles though

And the guilty will be charged 

Need I say more

I trust you enjoyed this one sided chat 

On the mend I hope (Man Flu) but roses (Josie’s favourite) would be nice 

Interestingly whilst I was writing this Postman Pat (why do they always wear shorts even in Captain Scott conditions) came to the door with a letter for Josie from Cora 

He said that I looked well 

I noted that I looked pail 

And was ready to kick the bucket 

The joke went over his head 

But professionally you might be able to assess me 

Good Luck 

Josie sends her love 

As do I 

Joe x