Marie Popol


Marie Popol

How are you

I am very well

How is Paris treating you

Sometimes bad

Sometimes good

But Paris is always a whore

Henry Miller

I can tell that you are Joe’s sister

Are you well

Well but very busy

This said poor Joe has been under the weather

Poor child

Poor me

He gets so grumpy

I hardly get to speak to him

He just writes as if in a delirious state

Some of his work is quite amazing

But I understand so little of it

Join the club

Josie have you ever heard of the movie

Last Tango in Paris

Yes many times

It is one of Joe’s favourite movies

At last count I think he has over a dozen DVDs

He hands them out to people visiting

So that they might appreciate Brando at his finest

My father says it is a reckless film

Have you seen it

Yes on a number of occasions

Do you like it

I like it very much

What is the story

It is about an American in Paris

Who has lost everything

His country

His Wife

He has lost his dignity

He has lost his character

His is a slow suicide

He meets a girl in an empty flat

And has intense physical affair with her

She is often naked

Whilst Paul (Brando’s character) remains clothed

It gives the girl an innocence a purity if you will

Paul has been hurt so many times

That he hides in his clothes

It is an intensely erotic and bleak film

You can almost taste the claustrophobia

When I watched it for the first time

I almost felt grubby a voyeur

I also cried quietly in the dark

Will I experience the same emotions Josie

That is hard to say as I am English

Whereas you are French

You might recognise nuances

That I have missed

Is it playing at a local cinema


There is a season of French movies

From the seventies

That sounds fun


Are you going with Julie J

Yes but sometimes on my own

I wish I was in Paris

I wish you were in Paris as I miss you

Are you still acting

At times but I should take it more seriously


Does anyone understand his poetry

I sometimes visit his website

He is a stunning poet

But do not tell him I told you so


I hope to be in Paris in the late summer period

Then you will stay with me

That would be lovely

And Joe

I will ask him but he does so chop and change

Marie Popol I am being such a dreadful friend but I must go

My mother is going to ring me shortly

It has been so nice chatting to you

It has been my pleasure also



Josie & Marie Popol