Silly Boy Time Traveller

Hi Silly Boy

Long Time No Sea

You live in Kettering

Did you enjoy India

Yes she was a dirty bitch

How long have you been back

About a thousand years

What were your impressions of India

Nice tits but her cunt was quite smelly

No the country Silly Boy

It was hot and the people were smelly

But I loved the trains

They were so fast Joe

But there was a disadvantage

I saw a lot of explosions


Yes these express trains

Often hit cows and careless people

Dogs and hamsters and the odd parrot

How ghastly

They just exploded

Especially the cows

When I was sitting on a station out there

I saw a chap with a head in his lap

Were you shocked



Because Doreen often gives me head

On railway stations between trains

In India

No on her own turf

Did you miss India

She lives with me

I am her pimp

No the country

Yes I do miss India Joe

I missed it so much

That I went for an Indian

Little Big Horn


Sitting Bill


My name is Silly Boy

You went for an Indian


Did you enjoy it



Because the Alsatian was off

It gave me the shits big time

I shit away all my internal organs


It got so bad yesterday

That I even shitted up my Tex Mex

Followed by an Eton Mess

Wow that was horrific

I became very worried


Because I was not due to have my Tex Mex

Until next Tuesday

I have yet to find out about the Eton Mess

It was then that it occurred to me

Was I a Time Traveller like Viola

Wow Oh Wow

I was in the position

To shit up all my meals of the future

But I faced a big problem Joe

What was that Silly Boy

My real name is not Silly Boy



What is your real name

Very Silly Boy

I have just dropped my first name

Why did you do that

Because I am a butter fingers

I might be as thick as you sometimes

But how does that inhibit your time travel

Promise you will not laugh


I cannot tell the time

It really fucks me up

Silly Boy

Would you like me to write it in

That you can tell the time

That would be so nice Joe

I will set you one task

Just name it Daddy Joe

Lou Andreas-Salomé

Lou Who

Lou Andreas-Salomé

I would like you to paint her from life

You are a talented artist Silly Boy

Am I a talented artist

Who can tell the time


Will you hang it on your wall

Next to your dodgy photos of Josie

No I will leave it on a railway line

Be careful of the trains Joe

As I would hate to see you explode
