A Home Fit For Heroes

Yesterday whilst walking by the river I met an old soldier

To think we fought for this

This country is contaminated

I knew where the soldier was going and agreed with him

He told me a story

I was arrested in Austria in the sixties

As I foolishly got into a fight

Somebody was hurt

I was guilty

And was sent to prison

Which was the correct decision

I was later deported from Austria

As I had no right to be there

That also was the correct decision

So why I ask are people who are not English

Not deported after they serve their sentence

I asked him what he meant by English

Was their grandfather or his father before him

Born in England

I told him that my grandmother was Spanish

Although my fathers lineage was English

The old man smiled and noted

That I was splitting hairs

As I knew very well what he meant

You are English my friend

I can see the Spanish in you

But you are English

Josie beautiful Josie joined us

The old soldier fell in love with her straight away

He then after a pause said

That she was one of the reasons

That he had defended this country

We shared a drink and chatted about Richmond

And then he left walking towards the railway station

There was a sadness about his gait

As we walked home Josie asked me

If I agreed with the old soldier

I told her that she already knew the answer

That salt and sugar should never be mixed
