Butt Plugs

I know fuck all about butt plugs as I felt that the knowledge would not enrich my life.

But today as I walked down the street I was greeted by a sound that I mistook for champagne corks exploding

I ignored it as I thought that people were celebrating the death of yet another much hated politician (you know who you are)

It was not until later when I read the BBC News online

That everything clicked into place

Was this false news or was the report true I asked myself

It was true

It was so very true

2+2=4 it was a Eureka Moment for Joe

I suddenly became aware of why butt plugs were flying everywhere and scaring the seagulls

Pope Francis has apologised following reports that he used extremely derogatory language towards gay men.

Although not a Catholic myself I have always had a great interest in Catholicism and obviously respect the Pope unlike some of the WOKE liberals who so confuse matters within the English Church

Indeed my favourite poet was a Jesuit Priest (answers on a postcard please) and after studying what was actually said I thought what a storm in the rectum this whole nonsense was

What the Pope said was not offensive as he was just noting the pressures that many churches face from a very small minority of people ( I think it is less than 3% in the UK)

At the Italian Bishops’ Conference, the Pope reportedly said gay men should not be allowed to train for the priesthood, adding there was already an air of frociaggine ( I love its translation)

This obviously offended those who cannot wait to be offended not caring that their lifestyles offend many people and that they are seen as sinners by a great number of religions worldwide

But this still did not explain the popping sounds or why one found more butt plugs per square mile than doggy dumps

In many UK cities and towns

I will not go any further as this image is about to imprint itself on my brain

And please do not get me started on the Fetish plugs which I knew nothing about only twenty-four hours ago

In a world of wars and natural disasters if you get my drift

I may one day convert to Catholicism who knows

My late father was a High Church Anglican who was an expert on the Oxford Movement

So it is already in my blood but I feel that the Catholic Church might see the special love that I have for Josie as a sin

Hypothetically I would be left with a choice if I chose to convert and that is a place that I refuse to visit

Enough of the heavy stuff Joe

Popes do not often amuse me but Pope Francis has certainly caused me a great amusement today

God Bless Him

God Bless Pope Francis
