Close My Eyes

I have received a number of mails recently

Asking about our favourite movies

Some have suggested

Close My Eyes a film released in 1991

And they would be right

It was one of the first movies that Josie and I saw together

When we began to realise the truth about ourselves

Even now years later we sometimes watch 

Close My Eyes

But not for the reasons that many would assume

It is that the movie was shot partially in the beautiful Thames Valley

During what seemed to be an endless summer

The languid feel of the movie reminded us both of our childhood visits

To Henley on Thames and Marlow where our uncles and aunts lived

It is also an intensely erotic movie which adds to its subtle power

Although I have not published these yet I have written about our early days

It is unlikely that I will publish them any time soon

As some of the content is painful and exposes things best forgotten
