The Last Days of Satan

I am often asked about

My favourite movie scenes

It depends on my mood

It depends very much on my mood

The Ride of the Valkyrie

Choppers in Apocalypse Now

Spring to mind

I can remember watching it in tears

Not because of its depiction of war

Far from it as I did not give a fuck

I had just returned from Chester

And my dog as soon as I crossed the road

Ran swiftly towards me

Right into the path of a speeding car

Satan was decapitated

The car just drove off

But I recognised the driver

I placed Satan into a cement bag

And tipped him into the river

For the next two days

I watched without a real break

That scene from Apocalypse Now

On the evening of the third day

I waited for the driver in a dimly lit alley

And hit him many times with a baseball bat

I wanted to kill him but God stopped me

He spared the beast in me

The baseball bat

Joined my dog in the river

It was never found

I was never found

Not that I expected to be found

The driver of car never drove again

And even now he limps past me in the street

Totally oblivious that his ghost still haunts him

Stephen Masefield