

Do you realise that adelante

Is a Spanish word

Meaning forward

I always look forward

That is the problem today

People look back

And argue about history

Why argue about it

Yesterday I was in Canterbury

I was carrying a bag of dust

From a nearby beach


Vence is very beautiful

But you know that

Our apartment is incredible

And has the most amazing wet room

It is the size of a small garden

I am relaxing in a sunken bath

Watching Marie-Claude


She has adelante

Tattooed in her bottom

So has her wife

I am subtly masturbating

Under the waters surface

I think she is aware of my sin

From my position here

I see the jade tiles to their full advantage

There is a poster on the wall

It is a toothpaste advert from Israel

However the model is topless

This is a very erotic room

My second earthquake is about to hit me

I am biting my lower lip

I often fall in love with cities

And get so cross when people spoil them

I saw two accidents yesterday

Both involving bicycles

I ignored the first

As the LF was going too fast

But with others helped a girl

Who had fallen from her machine

Canterbury was amazing yesterday

She was full of tourists

And the gardens were a riot of colour

As I passed a doorway

A homeless person

Was sleeping it off

How could you sleep

On a beautiful day like this

I had this urge to stamp on his face

But purchased a coffee instead

I am sharing my bath with Marie-Claude now

She has put her foot between my legs

Monique is sitting in the edge of the bath

With her legs slightly apart

I feel like that we are going to fuck shortly

Bath is my home city

I prefer it to Canterbury

But only just possibly because of its majesty

It is 0628 here Josie 0728 where you are

You are fucking by now

I am reading the morning news

Everything is not alright with the world

I bumped into Esther yesterday

I am wearing the Star of David she gave me

On the table by the window I can see your gift

She told me that she has fucked a maximum of priests

So far this year which interests me

I know that she wants to sleep with me

But I resisted the temptation as I always do

By asking her whether she has adelante

Tattooed on her arse

She just told me that

That she has fucked a maximum of Arabs and Jews

Which I believe is a line from a movie

Esther fell of her bicycle yesterday and cut her shin

I have just bathed her injury

She is now asleep

On our violet sheets