The Dreaming Spires


Thank you so very much

For the Anita Bryant tee shirt

I wore it today when I went to Oxford

Although I knew what to expect

It fucked me off

There were still traces of the recent protests

That so scarred some of colleges

All in support of a war that nobody cares about

Except for the malignant left

And those who they have brainwashed

There are plenty of pathetic rainbows dotted around

It seems buggery is as popular as ever in the colleges

Whilst I was there I found a small Oxford University guide

It is a series of black and white photographs

Which appear to have been taken in the sixties

How things have changed as all the students were white

They were also tidily dressed

Unlike today where there are no rules

Apart from sheer stupidity

Morons in Idiots Out

An excitement of learning

Can be sensed in these photographs

The students were as keen

As we were at Cambridge not so long ago

It is hard to pinpoint when the decay set in

But it is evident and appears to be getting worse

This said I spent a pleasant hour in Samuel’s rooms

Mainly chatting about poetry and his wedding

Yes Samuel and Victoria are getting hitched

We have both been invited

May next year

I am so happy for them

They are good for each other

How are you enjoying Athens

I can see the temperatures online

Guess what

We are having our own burst of very hot weather

The temperatures are hovering about thirty

Especially here in the South-East

Long may it last

Cooler next week though

Coming into town now so will break

All okay here sis

And I know that you are good

Look after yourself Josie

Love Joe xxx