Joe Meets Stuart

Are you missing Josie

Very much

When she is away from me

It feels like

I have only one arm


Deep down are you alarmed

About her relationship with Cora

It has become very intense



Because that is the way Josie works

It is either everything or nothing

Josie is very like me in certain ways

But her passions are nearer to the surface

That is why she had a breakdown Stuart

My head rules my heart

Whereas Josie’s heart rules her head

Josie is a very creative girl

And in my view her work is superior to mine

But I am more driven and intense

And I do not care if I offend

You either agree with me

Or you keep your mouth shut

Do you treat all your friend in that manner



Because they are my friends

I do not hurt my friends

Even if they disagree with me

Then why others

Because they do not think or see

Has Josie ever really surprised you

Many times

She can be a wild cat

We fight badly

She can be cruel

An absolute bitch

And you

I am just a standard cunt

And that tends to win through

As I am unemotional

That always beats Josie

I am a sponge


You can beat me

But I always spring back into shape

When was the last time Josie really surprised you

Possibly in Paris about three years ago

What happened

Two or three things

She was spending most of her days without her shirt

Coffee in the morning was quite funny

As our apartment was situated next to some steps

And our terrace was in full view of everybody

She would sit there usually in her shorts

Paris being Paris not much was said

Especially as Josie is very boyish and her hair was very short

I would imagine that some passing thought us to be queer

Anything else

Josie was a thief


We had rented the apartment from an Israeli couple we knew

They were both artists

And there were many drawings and photographs of Noa around

Some from life some costumed many of these were quite explicit

Josie soon guessed that I was attracted to Noa

As I am to most ravens

So she copied some of the photographs and drawings

Without my knowledge

She also stole a couple of pairs of Noa’s panties

For what reason

Just to torture me

Was she jealous


Josie is like me she does not get jealous

It is such a spent emotion

If you go back through the previous Joe & Josie’s you will see that we have shared Cora

And I have distinct feeling that Elena is going that way

How do you feel about it

Obviously happy but I will take it in my stride

I always do as we have shared her girlfriends before

What happened when Noa discovered that some of her underwear was missing


Was she upset

Far from it as I told her about the theft

I think that she was flattered

Did you send the photos back

There was no need as Ari and Noa gifted them all to us

In return I sent them intimate photos of Josie and some of her underwear

Not all people would have done that

We are not all people

What did Josie say when you reversed the narrative

I think it turned her on



And that illustrates my point Stuart

On a more serious note that is why she had her breakdown

She drowned in her own happiness

My mother had a breakdown you know


Was that when you father died

No she has ring fenced that

Nobody is allowed to enter

Not even us

My mother had breakdown when she was sixteen

What caused it

Her favourite horse died

When my father died accepted it as Gods Will

But this said when we are by the sea I do sometimes think that is expecting him to rise from the sea

What happened

Do you mind me asking

Not at all

Daddy took the Josephine out possibly against his better judgement

As the weather was deteriorating

But he had made the journey on numerous occasions before

Did the Josephine sink in a storm

That is hard to say because she just vanished

I do believe that the Josephine was hit by container ship

As many were recorded in the area at the time

This said no collisions were reported or wreckage found

In a silly way I think that gives Mummy hope

That he has been living on an island

With Man Friday

And is educating him about Christian values and decency

And one day will reappear either at the front door or rise from the sea

I know that is a nonsense as I am a realist

Your mother seems to be very important person in the lives of you both

She is the driving force behind us

Both Josie and I have out faults especially me

Thank you for sharing your time Joe

It was a pleasure

Fancy a stroll to meet Virginia

That would be so nice Joe

Thank You