Auntie Pemberton


I am on my way to Oxford and passing through the summer countryside

My little notebook is in my bag

I am seeing so many beautiful things

My pen is ready

Auntie Pemberton is opposite me

She is so fucking ugly and the size of a Sumo

On her face she has more hair than the average man

I am thinking of changing seats it is that bad

Pray for me Josie as you know how I dislike ugly women

She makes ?????? look like one of my beloved French actresses

I am so glad that you are in Rome

You are lucky that you are not in Paris

As it is tighter than Auntie Pembertons thong

(I do hope that she is not commando as I will be eaten alive)

I have always considered the Olympics a total waste of money

It is just a very expensive wank and nothing else

To make things worse it is followed by a ghastly freak show

(I am sick and tired of seeing drowned guide dogs in the pool)

Really I am a little surprised at France

Chic is a very important word

You teased me about the TGV vandalism

Whosoever is responsible needs to be imprisoned on Devils Island

It is hard to tell but I suspect that so called anarchists might be involved

In ways it was similar to the oil idiots in this country

Disruption but nobody gets hurt

Who Knows

I love France and the TGVs and this has really annoyed me as we used them a lot recently

Richmond was so beautiful this morning

I kissed Virginia goodbye

The river although bright had hints of mists hanging

How lucky Virginia is

As I am stuck opposite this vision of foulness

Visions of beauty are only seats away

Was she ever beautiful I ask myself

Or have eye got a corrupted eye

Meeting Mummy at Oxford Station

Rome *clean* photos please

So I might share them

She loved that Fortune Pot that you sent from Greece

How sweet you are Josie

Reading Oxford Not Far Away

Sunny Day

Oh my God

Auntie Pemberton broke wind

Seriously she did not disguise it

I do hope the fucking air conditioning is working

Feel for me

As I feel like poor Dante

Be my Beatrice

Close my eyes

Cover my Ears

That is what I will do

Am I doomed I ask

Writ in Water

Joe xxx