Love Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister


As you know you made mummy very happy when you rang her on her birthday

She said that she felt that you were holding her hand

Seriously she worries about you

I like to think that I know where you are although Joe is often wrong

She was very impressed with the sisters and noted that their English was perfect

Unlike our grasp of the Greek language

Me I am visiting Kew Gardens as it is good for the soul

I am reading Aphra Behn having visited the fine exhibition in Canterbury a few days ago

She was such an extraordinary woman

Kew although rather busy is just beautiful today all summer dresses and riots of colour

At a guess it is approaching ninety degrees

Yet deep down I feel a great sadness as I feel that there is a great evil in this country at present

I will not go further

On another matter the new government has not taken long to upset people

Although it does not apply to us they are taken away the WFA for older people noting if they are struggling then there is a benefits net in place

It is such a stupid idea and I agree with mummy as many pensioners will get easily confused as the system is not friendly and added to that many older people just feel dirty collecting benefits are would rather make do (and limit heating there homes)

The whole idea is so short sighted

Along with the attack on schools it is indeed an era of envy

Those who say they are socialists just show their limitations

I can see so many ways that money might be saved and black holes filled and you know these Josie

Added to all this some of the railway projects have been shelved which is just crazy

This country needs its railways

This said I did agree with them about the Stonehenge Tunnel which was just absurd

Enough political Joe

I have visited Rye (again) and Winchelsea in the last couple of days and to say the latter blew me out of the water is an understatement

But that is for another mail

Do keep me updated on Rome Josie and thank you for the photos (God forgives you)

I am going to send some of my Sussex ones when I find just a few minutes

They are very nice

Closing as I am going to wander around Q

Before I go Stuart noted that he had been suspended from one of his accounts because of a Joe & Josie

His crime


Like me Stuart is confused as when writing how does nudity feature

Joe & Josie’s are just words

There is no flesh on show

Not that it really matters

Is that where we are going I wonder

It is indeed absurd that people think like this

Be safe Josie and my regards to Cora and Elena

Without being daft I am glad that they with ewe

As I know that they will look after ewe

Yes I know that being over protective

But that is what brothers are four


Be Safe

Joe xxx

To be edited