Sussex People


I travelled to Kingsdown in Kent

At the invitation of Eddy Stevens

He wanted to show off his new pad

Josie and Cora tagged along

Cora had expressed a wish

To see the real England

Free from the decay

That so spoils it these days

Kingsdown reminds me a little of Dungeness

Not because of its geography

But because the village just seems to fade

Dungeness is the End Of England

Whereas Kingsdown shrinks quietly into the White Cliffs

It gives one an unusual feeling of abandonment

There is a lovely beach side pub

It is named The Zetland Arms

Which like the Albion in Freshwater

Is only yards from the sea

Whilst we were enjoying lunch

A young couple and their two children

Occupied the table next to us

I watched Cora study them with interest

The guy was slightly smaller than me

But I could sense that he was quite gentle

(unlike your son who is quite edgy at times )

His wife who he called Laura was delicate and feminine

She had dressed simply without any decoration

The children (both girls) were smaller copies

Shortly after we had finished our meal we walked

As Kingsdown has a large shingle beach

The day was warm with a clear sea breeze

And the girls collected some unusual pebbles

It was as we walked back that Cora asked me

If this was a typical of England

My answer was mixed

As Kingsdown still lives slightly in the past

Not much has really changed apart from fishing

(only the chic dereliction remains)

I told her although much improved

This is how England used to be

White so very white with a sense of belonging

The people who once lived here had a connection with the sea

And the sea ran through the veins of these people

Most of the locals if not all have gone and have been replaced

By outsiders who have the means (Sussex People)

They are not bad people yet the area has in a way become gentrified

Josie noted that the gentle family who sat next to us

Were typical of the people who now inhabit areas such as this

Decent white people whose fathers and their fathers

Made this country great before the betrayal and the subsequent decay

Different subject

Josie and Cora will be down on Wednesday afternoon

I will say hello on Sunday

Without being obvious Josie is a little different

She is in love again

I do think Cora is the one

The balance is returning

Will this effect our dynamics

I do not know

I really do not know

Ours was an intense unusual relationship

But deep down I always thought it might change

We as a trio have had some ideas

But I feel that if we let the ship sail unaided

Then it might take its natural course

Who knows

Most of all


Josie is better so much better

And Joe

