Deshabillons / The Le Havre Train

I was smashed totally fucking smashed

I longed for sleep but qualified only for nausea

During a break between stations I did sleep

When I awoke a nurse was holding my hand

You are very ill my friend please return with me

As I live in Le Havre not far from the station

I do not remember how I got there

But I ended up in her apartment

She was sitting on her bed

There was a smell of coffee in the air

Let’s undress I will undress you

If you are unable to undress yourself

I do not remember much after that

The room was smaller than I remembered

I drank a bottle of sparkling water

Which made my hangover much worse

The apartment was empty

Having been recently vacated

There was coffee on the stove

My nurse had left a note

Saying that she would return at two

She did not expect me to stay

But I was welcome to do so

It was raining heavily outside

I corrected the bed and sat by the window

As the damp air was making me feel better

My nurse returned at two with a couple of rolls

Why did you help me

I was hopelessly drunk

It was not about you

I was being followed by a foreigner

And I was very scared

I am a foreigner

You are tall and look tough

My assassin soon got the message

I would not have been able to defend you

That was not my concern

The theatre worked

As you can see I am a nurse

I see many people like you

Did we

Did we what



I wanted to fuck but vomit is not attractive

You spent the night in my arms

That is all

Where do we go from here

That is for you to decide

Paul and Michelle (2022)