Planet Hell



I have just been reading

The above poem

What the fuck is it about

How should I know

You wrote it

It is full of ********



This is all very decorative


That is why I use ******

As it is tiresome to work hard on a poem

Just for some **** to censor it

Why do they censor you* work

**** nose

Maybe it scares them

Their small minds cannot stand genius

Do you consider yourself a genius

A poetical genius yes

I have an original ***

Joe what are you eating at present

A cheese sandwich

What are you reading

The Chrysalids by John Wyndham

It is a braille copy

Are you blind


But I have been blinded

By my own genius

You certainly do not lack

Self Confidence

She is in the kitchen

Making coffee

Would you like a cup

You are in Richmond




I am in Antwerp

Coffee is impossible

Love you Joe

I will bee Silly Sydney

For the next 24 hours

Love ewe
