Holiday Haunts

What are you reading Joe

Holiday Haunts

What is that

In short it was a holiday guidebook issued

By the Great Western Railway in 1947

Mummy gave to me as a birthday present

May I look

What do you notice Patricia

I know what you are going to say

Blue Remembered Hills

I love the girl on the cover

Beautiful and blonde

As are her nuclear family in the beach

I have studied these photographs

And without exception the people were pale



In 1947 England was white

No matter what the malignant academics say

Were some of the photographs posed


But there are hundreds of general photographs

All pale

Even though a war had just finished

Life was good

The thing that did strike me

Was that even during these halcyon days

That the traitors were hard at work behind the scenes

Their mistakes still haunt us

Many people will say that is an unfair view Joe

That is up to them

It is still a free country

Even though that is now under threat

Things change

Do they

Or is that an illusion

I have always said

If it is not broken

This country was broken after the war

I disagree

It was tired and bruised but it was not broken

How do you know that

As you were not there

But I have spoken to the people who were

They have always in so many words

Said the same thing to me

That being

Sins of Our Fathers