Last Train to Flagstaff

Good Morning Sir

When is the next train to Flagstaff


Where am I


Where the fuck is that


Is that your station


It is a ruin

I know

Had a fire

You could say that

Electric blanket catch fire

No some kids did it

Because they were bored

Did you shoot the little fuckers

No we do not do that in the UK

That is reserved for people

Who believe in free speech

I repeat my question Sir

When is the next train to Flagstaff


Flagstaff Arizona my friend

Nothing goes from Lydd anymore

Then why are the tracks shiny

Oh that is the nuclear trains

Nuclear trains

My God you are so advanced in the UK

What is your advice

Pop into the town and get the 102 bus

It will take you to Dover

Dover I have heard of Dover

My friend Ben lives there

Then why not pop along to see him

He is no longer in the town

Has he moved

You could say that

Is he near

He is in Wormwood Scrubs or something like that

What did he do

Something about two Alsatian dogs and a Guinea Pig I believe

Thank you for your help Sir

And do be careful of those nuclear trains