An Education

Joe I worry about ewe

Why Sis

Because you have no filter

I have a functioning filter

Free Speech

You offend people

Only those who choose

To be offended

One day you will overstep the mark

And the Thought Police will come

It is likely that you will be required

To submit to a course of re-education

In Room 101 be warned

That is a nonsense in itself Josie

You know the answer

How can you re-educate a person

Who has an IQ off of the scale

And is also very highly educated

Those are the wet dreams of fools

You cannot cook

That is a female occupation

You are scared of spiders

You are scared of heights

You are scared of your feelings for Sephine

I am confused but that was low Josie

Do I ever question ewe

Sorry Joe

Remember I am a mad girl

The last thing you are is mad

I am more intelligent than ewe

I do not dispute that

But I do not go around upsetting people

They are not people Jose

They are deformed creatures

I cannot argue with ewe

This is a discussion that is all

May I say that you are impossible

Please do

You are impossible Joe