Prize Day

What lovely books you have won

My congratulations to you all

I see you like Dickens Clive

Charles Sir

And you like Miss Austin Annie

She is so like you

But Sir I am not a virgin

You stole it from me last zummer

James Maxwell Smith

What a fine mind you have

Oxford or Cambridge awaits you

I am happy here Sir

We all are Smith but we have to leave one day

(either in a coffin or straight to prison)

No whispering in the ranks please School

How do you think these fine pupils

Have reached this podium

(up the stairs then follow your nose)

See me in my bath afterwards Burton

What book have you chosen James

Chaucer Milton or Shakespeare I hope

No Sir it is a book by a Polish chap


A fine man

It is not Conrad

Then who


And the title of this grand prize

Do share it with the school

How to Play Erotic Card Games in the Nude

(general titters accompanied by first year farts)

Life and Death at St Wihtburh’s (1934)