Category: Uncategorized

  • Crime and Punishment

    Hi Joe In the past I have spoken to you about what can loosely be termed Crime and Punishment I can remember chatting to you about the Camus novel A couple of summers ago in France It was an interesting conversation As you are totally against capital punishment Both Mauve and I disagreed with you […]

  • The Darkness of Arthur Rimbaud

    One of my first mature poems was called The Darkness of Arthur Rimbaud It dealt with his time in Africa Long after he had given up writing poetry Sadly I lost this early work during a move Between two residences in Ramsgate I often think that I might find this poem Completely by chance when […]

  • Josie @ 23:05

    Joe Josie here I trust you are okay I have had a lazy day Mummy has spoilt me And I am supposed to scold you For being so disorganised The only problem is that mummy Watches anything on television She believes the hype Earlier I had to sit through something so lame That I think […]

  • Tangerine Dream

    Your arguments are so fragile They are always about to shatter

  • The Lower Deck

    I was on a number seven bus With one of my children And noticed great gaps In the lower deck That exposed the road I told my child to watch a football match As there was a last minute corner The goalkeeper manager had come up But as the ball was crossed he was pushed […]

  • Churches

    Creatures do not stray There are many churches In this great city That condemn your sins

  • Farm

    You stole my beloved farm I loved this farm If you do not return my farm I will destroy you

  • Joseph and The Coat of Many Colours

    Musicians Actors Politicians And all those with failed minds Visibly disagreed with me They all thought That they were wearing The Multi Coloured Coat But were in fact quite naked

  • Traitors

    I was searching the dark forest With a failing torch I was hunting for traitors But found none

  • Cha Cha Stella

    Hi Stella I really liked your poem As I am heavily into the Cornish Schools As requested I kept the outage in That has never happened to me The poem is now on my website Thank you for sharing it Josie and I are planning to be in Lamorna in July It would be great […]