Category: Uncategorized

  • Lake Constance

    My father remarried when I was fourteen His new bride was very beautiful And I longed to see her unclothed But this did not happen as she was modest And dressed sensibly in my company That was until the day of my sixteenth When she requested that I row her on the lake As the […]

  • York Railway Station (J’Accuse)

    Lovers must be honest with each other Otherwise doubts might creep in That have the potential to fracture You are the most beautiful station But I accuse you of the following I sat on a metal bench on the KX platform And the zip of my winters coat Became trapped in its design Which frustrated […]

  • York Railway Station

    I love you I love you I love you You mean everything to me I am lost between your breasts You are so easy on the eye A beauty modest and chaste I wander your many platforms In a dreamlike state Trains are arriving Trains are leaving Everything about you is just right I will […]

  • Sleeping Awake

    I sleep with my eyes open So that I can welcome my dreams And watch them leave my bedroom

  • Radio Freeze

    I bathe with my best friend every Tuesday Usually at about four in the afternoon We feel that the warm bathwater Protects us against the outside world Our conversations are minimal As we study the steamy wet room This small room is directly above a jetty Where my rowing boat is moored I have not […]

  • A Wet Afternoon in Scarborough

    Jane and I had planned to walk to the North Bay But at about eleven in the morning The heavens opened with a vengeance So we settled down to watch our small television Modigliani Was the movie that we chose to watch Although we did not expect much of it Its sadness broke our hearts […]

  • Scarborough

    I have only visited you once Although I am familiar With your centuries Time it seems Has slipped through my eyes Without my attention And I feel refreshed

  • Letter to SMO

    Hi SMO Thank you for your letter it amused me a great deal Josie and I have settled here in Bali and seem to spend a lot of time on the beach even though we are supposed to be helping with the wedding As I write this I am reading The Magus by John Fowles […]

  • An Impossible Love

    I am involved in a destructive love affair She is open but frequently hides from me You might have guessed that I am in love With the most beautiful beach in the world But my feelings are not reciprocated This saddens me as I am the only suitor A madness a very fine madness that […]

  • To lay the flower where it had fallen

    Under the old castle walls Overlooking the bay