Category: Uncategorized

  • Banks

    Have you noticed that all banks Hold the same three books on display No Who told you that My mother Have you seen these books Frequently Which books are they Nova Scotia by Jill Fenway I have never heard of it It is one of those huge doorstep novels Overwritten and overblown Even the pet […]

  • Masturbation & Lighthouses

    Do you masturbate Jean Sometimes How often About once a week Do you like being watched Depends on my mood What brings you on Lighthouses Any particular type of lighthouse I am not choosy What about you Robbie I masturbate whenever I can Are you on your own Most of the time What turns you […]

  • America Street SE1

    As I was walking down this street I found a pewter plate Wrapped in an old newspaper There was no reason for it to be there Although yellow with age I was intrigued by the date of the newspaper Friday 22nd November 1963 Viola Gresham

  • Burns Night

    O my Luve is like a red, red roseThat’s newly sprung in June;O my Luve is like the melodyThat’s sweetly played in tune. So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a’ the seas gang dry. The first Burns Night in our new cottage […]

  • The Mad Maid of Kent

    Elizabeth Barton was also known As The Mad Maid of Kent She was executed at Tyburn For pissing off Henry the Eighth She must have upset him a great deal Tyler Yes she did but initially he just let it ride As the rantings of a madwoman But Elizabeth continued to persecute him So he […]

  • Hell

    I asked the wounded soldier If he had ever seen anybody die He said that he had seen many die I asked how many he had murdered None I was obeying orders That is not what I have been told You have enjoyed your killings I then set up a camera In the corner of […]

  • The Future of the World Cruise

    We were told by the captain of the ship That for the next seven hours our passage Would be rough because of the weather outside We were however safe because the Miranda K Had been designed to withstand these seas Nonetheless as I sat in my cabin I was worried as I was not in […]

  • The Extremity of the Sun

    Petra held his hand tightly As she was scared of the void They were searching for the sun Which had not been seen for days It had been suggested That the sun had grown tired Of the countless wars And was grieving Over the death of its only son In a ruined desert city without […]


    SUPERMAN was sitting on a bench He was reading My Gash is Moist A novel by Lelia Bohyd

  • My Gash is Moist

    My Gash is Moist was sitting on a bench She was reading SUPERMAN A novel by Lelia Bohyd