Category: Uncategorized

  • Leeds 14th March 1913 – Deal 20th January 2024

    I visited a charity bookshop today And found a book of music Johann Sebastian Bach’s Werke It had once belonged to a Rosamund Rosamund had lived in Leeds And added her name in March 1913 That is all that I knew Many years had passed Since her signature But the Grand Mass Had remained quite […]

  • Joe (C**s***d)

    What are you reading Joe A book Do not be trite Julia Julia who Julia Worthing You should know Stop fucking with me Joe She is from Orwell’s 1984 Why did you not say that in the first place You are not reading 1984 How did you know that Do not be a cunt Joe […]

  • Principles of Lust

    Richard May I call you Richard My name is Peter I have one question I would like you to answer What is is it Detective Stokes Why did you kill the mayor Because he was a faggot Did he offend you All faggots offend me Why Because they offend God They are offensive feral creatures […]

  • My Bed is Empty

    It has been for many years I would like to see it warm But I live alone With my dog On a remote Scottish island I am something of a recluse And am considered a little odd By the people of the town But these people do not know me And mistake my shyness for […]

  • Clo Clo

    I have a friend named Claudette But we all call her Clo Clo She is an actress And is playing the lead in Phaedra I am also an actor And will playing Hippolytus In the same production We have a couple of intimate scenes together And rehearse our roles in a mythological bath We must […]

  • The Secret Six

    Harry has a girlfriend Her name is Marina She has joined the gang They are now The Secret Six

  • Clouds from a Bus

    The day was fading when I caught the last bus home I soon noticed the clouds shrouding the setting sun It seemed to me that there was a rainbow hidden within A guide dog blind since birth told me That I was witnessing a cloud iridescence A pearl mother in the evening sky January 18th […]

  • I Failed You

    There are a thousand excuses for failure But never a good reason Therefore I failed you today Caron Jane

  • Art History in Cornwall

    It is time for my winter cold So I have tucked myself Away with some art books I have been transported back To another world A world of bright colours Without a hint of grey Not everything was perfect But there was a beauty to life An excitement revealed During each waking hour I am […]

  • Joe Rap Sheet

    Joe Josie Mummy has given me some of their papers as they were having a clear out before the move They were mostly things from our childhood and college days But I think that this was a mistake but there are also some rather disturbing things about you I think you have been lying to […]