Category: Uncategorized

  • Aristotle in a Bottle

    A fool contributes nothing worth hearing And takes offence at everything I have nothing to add to this Just crawl back into your fetid holes You know who you are

  • Do Not Curse The Darkness

    Joe Josie When I washed your shirt I found A Star of David in the pocket Yes I was getting a new chain I need not ask but why were you wearing it Our family is not Jewish But as I have noted I know the answer You just want to pick arguments with those […]

  • Sick Boy Joke Book

    There is a Z Lister who thought it was her duty to share her malignant views with us all  I read somewhere that a psycho had planned to throw acid in her face  But decided not to do so as she was so fucking ugly already  There is a female Labour MP who is so fat and […]

  • The Soldier

    I had been ordered to guard a terrorist Mainly for his own protection He was a small man of about forty And seemed surprised that I spoke English As he also spoke English rather well The man told me that when he was a child He saw his whole family massacred By the army without […]

  • Welsh Harp

    For a while as a young child I used to live near the Welsh Harp But I remember absolutely nothing Which is an advantage As by then the railway station Was no longer a railway station But a memory of a railway station The naturists had been hounded out And I would imagine wore clothes […]

  • Amy Seacoe

    During my last living dream I saw you beautiful at your birthday party Your make up exquisitely applied I will never celebrate another birthday As I still lie here in the cloying mud This will be my only mask

  • No Mans Land

    Reynolds is there anything to report No Sir I would not expect anything less on Christmas Eve There is something Sir You are going to think me deranged Come out with it man I saw some movement in No Mans Land Movement In No Mans Land It was infested by thousands Of Decaying Angels I […]

  • Candle Number One

    Minnie’s letter has just reached me She is well apart from a heavy cold Which are all too common In Upper Slaughter At this time of the year Due to its odd geography A geography that I miss so very much These are your dangerous days my love She whispers towards the end of her […]

  • A Gathering of Clouds

    I visited Sandwich today There was not a cloud In the crisp blue sky Little did I know as I travelledThat a gathering of clouds Would soon extinguish the light And darken my midwinter day January 11th 2024

  • Erotic

    I am watching you sleep You always sleep on your back There is a warm breeze in the room Which hardens your nipples I cannot sleep after the sixth hour As you do without dreams