Category: Uncategorized

  • Smoking in Chile

    You stand smoking by the window The night in warm and damp The house is feeling its age It creaks with your every movement We speak but you do not look at me As I am sitting in the shadows Quietly counting the passing years

  • Cold City

    in this city no one i see is conscious one is worse off than the next frenzied and insane Once a year I spend A night on the streets I choose a frozen night And with only my coat Wrapped around me for warmth I sit in doorways begging for alms When this happens in […]

  • Inserting a Tampax

    There seems to have been a great deal of discussion recently Joe Yes It is too early in the morning I was saying Just let me take a sip of coffee Ready As I ever am As I was saying there has been a great deal of discussion recently About Women and Football I know […]

  • Shy

    I would like to write decadent poetry But I am too shy to do so

  • Cunt

    I can remember reading that the definition Of a woman is a cunt surrounded by fat That is harsh as not all women are fat Many women are quite beautiful I agree but it is still a cunt surrounded by something What about a cunt surrounded by beauty I like that It could also mean […]

  • Gardens of the Republic

    My attention had been attracted by a large painting Which showed a solitary figure in a vast landscape Soaked in the golden light of a fading sun I then beware aware of a man standing next to me Neither of us spoke but I knew that he wanted me to leave The gardens as I […]

  • The Last Super Train

    I am sitting huddled on a freezing platform Waiting for The Last Super Train It is running late as it always does You have told me that you are warm in your bunk Please stay there as it is so cold outside The coffee machine on this station is in a sorry state Unlike you […]

  • Beyond the Silence of my Years

    I have never written even one line of poetry If I claim that I have then I am a liar All the poems that I claim to have written Originated in your head and nowhere else I am nothing more than a colourful palette And you are the naked white canvas

  • Joe and Josephine Play Football

    Guess what Joe I am all ears I bumped into Monika today That was nice for you She has invited me to join her football team Really Richmond Ladies When do you start A week on Sunday We are playing Sutton Ladies I will be there No clashes No we are playing on the Saturday […]

  • Airport

    I live in a top floor flat Which is positioned Opposite one of the main runways Of The Blue Airport My father bought it some years ago And lived there with me Until he drank himself to death It then became mine I quite frequently sit on the flat roof With La Rupture who is […]