Category: Uncategorized

  • Assassins Motto

    Death has nothing To do with going away The sun sets The moon sets But they are not gone They are only hidden You might think that You have stopped me How wrong you are As I am still on your trail

  • John Thomas and Lady Jane

    I was born on a snowy January day And for some odd reason prefer winter This amuses Jane as she adores the summer Earlier today when I was tidying the garden I spotted the early signs of colder weather The larger birds were flying amongst the high spindle trees And many of the smaller creatures […]

  • Musical Afternoon

    M.U.S.I.C.A.L A.F.T.E.R.N.O.O.N

  • Magical

    A high rainbow hung Radiant above the cold sea All my horizons were illuminated

  • Magic

    I knew that a special wind Was about to cross the bay As the blush clouds do not lie

  • Project Blue

    I have just completed my latest work It features a small room in Margate I have called it Project Blue After the Dutch model Who posed for so long On my damaged bed we both had dreams of owning irregular spheres

  • Imogen’s Poem

    Jane and I are visiting The Salt Flats in Tavira The area has a remoteness That I admire greatly And because of this I saw the floating skulls As Jane relaxed in a salt pool It was obviously my imagination As skulls are not known to float

  • Loving Strangers

    I suppose that I should be called a nerd As I have a great love of the railways I especially love the stations But of late I have begun to get very angry With those who seek to spoil them And I am not talking about the vandals Who should be arrested and castrated on […]

  • Chat Noir

    We will meet soon In the City of the Caesars The air will be milder Spring will have decorated With a pastel brush I am looking forward To meeting you again

  • Joe in Hell

    I really dislike you Joe You are no oil painting yourself Maureen You have ruined Josie’s life Have I You are illegal So are you Stop bickering you two I have met people like you before Fat women who are angry with the world They have nothing going for them I have a great degree […]