Category: Uncategorized

  • Lost Time

    People often ask me why I walk backwards That is an easy question to answer As lost time can never be recovered

  • The Miracles of Time

    A war is taking place only hours from here But I cannot hear this conflict I am unlikely to ever hear the roars of guns Or the scream of the huge missiles As they pulverise cities and towns Many say that this is because of the distances involved But I choose to see this as […]

  • New Year Poem

    I had been asked to write a poem For the New Year by Marcus Martin of Macclesfield I asked him what type of poem would he would like Fuck It it is your choice Joe write whatever you want This troubled me as I knew that little would change Wars would continue as insanely as […]

  • Dover

    What is past is present What is present is past The End of England Has a railway station I am there at present Waiting for a train That has already departed Valerie is travelling with me She always travels with me During her Week of Wonders

  • Week of Wonders

    This is like it used to be When we all rested And the town was light A common sense holiday Between the slipping years

  • Milk Glass

    I have a small coronation bowl It is made of milk glass and is very beautiful I am very happy with this bowl It cost me just fifty pence My bowl is opaque and translucent Which gives it a serene calmness That is much appreciated By those who care

  • Grasshopper Joe

    Dear Martha Stayed of Kentucky As a poet I am often accused of having many styles Which is a fair enough comment as I do not really have a style I am one of these rare people who cannot be easily pigeonholed That is why I often refer to myself as a grasshopper I am […]

  • New Year (Killer Hippie)

    Oh Yipee I am a Hippie It is all Peace and Love Welcome in the New Year My dear friends Take this Smoke that Life is a series Of endless sunsets All the evenings of the world Hang on Just fucking hang on What am I saying What are these lies Peace and Love Nothing […]

  • Naked Smith

    My name is Naked Smith That is all the world Needs to know The rest is quite boring

  • Naked

    If you want to see me Naked Then close your eyes And count to six Open them again And you will see me Naked