Category: Uncategorized

  • Ice Blue

    Kay Sir Are you well Quite well Are you sure be honest I am feeling unwell sir How long have you been like this An hour or so What are your symptoms My back feels tired I have an acid And I feel that I am retaining a great deal of phlegm Have you released […]

  • Smoking

    Kay Sir Do you smoke No Please have one of my cigarettes Thank you sir Why do you refrain from smoking Because of the fountains blue We share the same reason Kay Except my fountains are red Would you join me at Kiss Station I will buy you breakfast That is very generous of you […]

  • Rabbit Journey

    Is everything ready Kay It is Mr Peterson What time will this train arrive 11:18 What time is it now 11:18 Twelve hours then Do you play chess No Do you play any board games No What do you do for recreation Kay I masturbate Do you watch porn No I imagine porn It was […]

  • Rainbows

    You have wings Learn to use them And fly slowly Towards the rainbows Rumi

  • Dances of Love

    Both Light and the Shadows Are the Dances of Love I am without movement But am a Happy Man Rumi

  • Rose

    If you are thought of as a rose The you are a rose garden I am the perfumed path Rumi

  • Open Your Eyes

    The beauty that you See in me Is nothing but Your reflection Rumi

  • Tree

    Be like a tree Do not fear The autumn winds Let your dead leaves drop As the migrating birds pass by Rumi

  • Italian English

    Finish me off my friend I have these bloody holes Here Here and Here Will you do this for me In this beautiful field Full of summer flowers It is something That I will take Into the afterlife I will be happy forever And with that the Italian soldier smiled He said in Broken English […]

  • Love

    Love is always Presented In an unordered way A glance Hands touching Shared warmth Possession Unhindered by thought Love is an abstraction Rarely understood