Category: Uncategorized

  • Absorb Me

    Absorb me Cherish me Love me Hold me Taste me In no particular order

  • Yossarian Cakes

    You bombed Dresden with 120,000 people, killed women, children. We are trying to avoid this collateral damage. We ask them to leave. I read this whilst coffee resting It brought tears to my eyes Who are we to cast stones I asked I received no reply Festival City

  • Rainbow City

    Deep in flood You have Shipped my soul To another place This scares me As I am now vacant

  • Killer City

    I have always loved you We have been So happy together The musical light The considerable hours I trusted you without question So why did you want ill of me

  • Guardian Angel

    You have visited me Three times But your identity Is quite mysterious I do love Your slim humours

  • Passing/Moments

    You do not live On the earth You are just Passing through Sometimes you stop And open your eyes These are the rarest Moments like these are rare Rumi

  • Super Life

    Memories Red Memories Blue Share my memories Gerius Do

  • Capital Offence

    It was a capital offence To pick up scattered grains of corn My mother was executed For such a ghastly crime of greed But I survived those terrible years Many died but I ate the leftover rats rotting And drank the acid waters From the blank putrid sewers I am now a minor official in […]

  • Amsterdam in London

    I was a late guest of times past But this residence has now ended And I am without the hollow bells That would have mourned my passing

  • Sue

    Sue Met Du Fu Pale Blue Near the Zoo