Category: Uncategorized

  • Du Fu

    Du Fu Met Sue Pale Blue Near the Zoo

  • A Cultural Landscape Red

    The artist Georgie has lent me her studio As she now paints in Berlin Her studio is much bigger than my London studio And I am using the bright white Kent light To a great advantage in a series of small paintings I have become friends with the writer Joe Who has promised to sit […]

  • A Cultural Landscape Blue

    The artist Georgie invited us to her studio But we had to wear costumes From the South Seas I came as Paul Gauguin Paulette accompanied me Dressed as a man In a floppy brown suit We left at two in the morning Quite sober as neither of us drank This get together inspired me to […]

  • Industrial Landscape (Juliet)

    My former home is slowly Sinking into the green mire I am standing on its flat roof My name is Juliet Barber A foul industrial landscape Completely surrounds me It smells of rotting chemicals The air is thick rancid and grey I cannot see that far As the smog is ocean deep In a week […]

  • Frogs Stars and Clouds

    Earlier today I saw a star Hiding in the clouds I found this very strange And tried to take a photo But a frog had eaten my phone

  • Le testament de Joe

    What is that Joe It is a pad and a blue pen What are you writing I am not writing I am talking to you Why are you in the bathroom Joe Because you are in the bath And I am talking to you It is going to be one of those days Joe What […]

  • Cousins

    I love the summer But her cousin winter Is also rather beautiful She is very temperamental And rather unpredictable I try to ignore her bleak moods Which is often quite difficult White Blood Black Blood

  • I Am The Light

    If everything around you seems dark Look again You may be the light Let the night retreat These are the Days of Heaven Just open your eyes Rumi

  • Martin Eden

    Never apologise for having it all As at times you will Have to witness the disadvantaged Whinging on about their poor lot It is a heavy but unnecessary cross Enjoy your wealth my friends

  • London Lucy and Sheffield Gail

    Were busy all week but lazy at weekends Lucy expected her girlfriend to get the paper Whilst she made breakfast in the pale kitchen blue They would then split the newspaper in half And curl up in separate chairs to read the lies On summer days they would sunbathe in the local park And later […]